Privacy Concerns Have Led To Less Sharing On Social Media

Sean Marcum
Oct 29, 2020

With more people being informed on the issues of privacy on social media people are starting to post and share less.

Photo by Dan Nelson on Unsplash

Social media when it was first introduced was a fun and easy way to keep in touch with friends and family. Now years later, with a number of different social media platforms that the average person has access to, it has led to a problem of a lack of privacy on these sights and oversharing personal information. The graph above is showing how this problem is prevalent in todays society by showing the different actions taken by social media users in order to protect their privacy while on social media. As seen by the graph, this concern alone has led to people reducing what they are sharing and posting on these sites, showing that out of the total 3,323 social media users that were surveyed, almost 40% have said they reduced the amount they post on social media. This graph also shows the percentage of people in this surveyed that took advantage of the advanced privacy settings on these sites by changing profiles to private, and turning off the ability to share their locations on the platforms. And some of the respondents reported even deleting the apps off their phones or just stopped using social media altogether.

